
our report

Our report structure reflects our material ESG issues in the context of our day-to-day business activities.

our report

Scope and boundaries
This report relates to the work undertaken in the past financial year which is also the calendar year – 1 January to 31 December 2022. Its scope reflects our business activities – real estate investment, management, and development in central London – which were unchanged during 2022. Our data boundaries, together with the calculation and aggregation methods, are set out in our basis of reporting documents.

Our materiality matrix puts our seven key priorities into context against the issues material to our business.

This year, for the second time, we have made our report fully digital. The ability to interact with the material online as well as download data will, we hope, make it more accessible to our audiences and stakeholders, and elevate the communication of our ESG work.

Reporting frameworks
We compile and align our outputs with two reporting frameworks – GRI (Global Reporting Initiatives) Standards and the EPRA Sustainability Best Practices Recommendations (sBPR) and summaries of these can be found here. Our review of our progress in supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be found here. We have also set out our disclosures against the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations.

Selected 2022 environmental, health and safety and green finance metrics were subject to independent reasonable assurance under ISAE 3000 (Revised) and ISAE 3410 by Deloitte LLP. In addition, selected 2022 community metrics were subject to independent limited assurance under ISAE 3000 (Revised), again by Deloitte LLP. Their assurance statements can be found here.

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We continually review the ESG-based aspects relevant to our business to ensure they are captured effectively in our corporate strategy and net zero carbon ambitions. As part of this review, a four-step process – identification, prioritisation, validation and review – is used to ensure the right issues are brought forward and assessed properly. The results from this exercise are examined by members of the senior management team to establish the priority and relative importance of the issues to both our business and stakeholders and ensure alignment with our risk register. The material issues that affect our business remain unchanged. In the matrix below we set out the material ESG issues relevant to our business set under our seven long-term priorities.

Designing and delivering buildings responsibly

• Resource efficiency inc. – climate change, energy efficiency, greenhouses gases, water and waste
• Health and safety  
• Materials inc. – timber use, steel and concrete
• Supplier engagement  
• Customer engagement
• Human rights
• Business conduct

Managing our assets responsibly

• Resource efficiency inc. – climate change, energy efficiency, greenhouses gases, water and waste
• Health and safety  
• Materials inc. – timber use, steel and concrete
• Supplier engagement  
• Customer engagement
• Human rights
• Business conduct

Engaging and developing our employees

• Health and safety  
• Employees
• Human rights
• Business conduct

Creating value in the community and for our wider stakeholders

• Health and safety  
• Community
• Human rights
• Business conduct

Setting the highest standards of health and safety

• Health and safety  
• Employees
• Supplier engagement  
• Human rights
• Business conduct

Protecting human rights

• Health and safety  
• Supplier engagement  
• Human rights
• Business conduct

Setting the highest standards of corporate governance

• Health and safety  
• Supplier engagement  
• Human rights
• Business conduct